Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Book Analysis The Male Brain free essay sample

The Male Brain Similarly to Loan Breezinesss The Female Brain, Lethe Male Brain takes us through the progressions all through the lifetime of a male mind. It separates each phase of a guys life and investigates the happenings of their minds from childhood, through their high schooler years, into connections and kids, at long last completion with the develop male cerebrum. The Male Brain clarifies huge numbers of the organic reasons, alongside the scholarly explanations for a considerable lot of the basic attributes and practices found in males.The focal point of this examination will be on how male cerebrums vary from females, and whether that gives them n favorable position or drawback in work settings. It will incorporate how the early advancement of young men minds impacts their qualities and characters, how people contrast with regards to feelings, and how these things add to the verifiable generalization that men are preferable pioneers over ladies. As Brazening clarified, from an early age young men are keen on totally unexpected things in comparison to girls.Although I dont concur with her thought that young men are modified to act a specific way, accept that piece of their characteristics has a place with their natural designing and the other are expected to their ultra and childhood. As it says in The Male Brain, at a youthful age young men are bound to face challenges and defy norms. This relates legitimately with Eagle and Carols Through the Labyrinth when they state ladies probably developed a solid worry with their very own wellbeing just as inclinations to be frightful and restless and to maintain a strategic distance from peril and hazard. These announcements make an interpretation of very well into the cliché man with regards to his profession. While more often than not ladies are hesitant to face challenges, as it said in the TED talk Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders, men are willing daring individuals which prompt s egger restitutions, particularly in their vocations. Ladies are additionally increasingly worried about how others feel and everybody getting along, anyway starting when young men are around a year old they start overlooking their own moms outward appearances. At this age, the inverse occurs in little girls.They peruse and respond to the smallest look of dissatisfaction or outrage on their moms face very quickly. This could add to the way that when men grow up they are increasingly conceited and worried about their own profession, while ladies are stressed over how others feel. Alluding again to the TED elk View We Have Too Few Women Leaders, they expressed that men are bound to assume acknowledgment for their own accomplishments, while ladies give a great deal of credit to the individuals who helped and upheld them. This is one of the characteristics that men have which give them more chances to be advanced and join higher positions in the work force.Another point that Brazening made was that during their more youthful years, young men are fixated on and copy their fathers, uncles, or some other male good examples that could be viewed as alpha guys. Accept that this fixation on alpha guys could prompt the solid drive cap men need to get o ne, regardless of whether it is in their home or their work environment. Once more, quality and animosity are referenced a great deal. In her book Brazening states, by age two, a young men cerebrum is driving him to build up physical and social predominance. Every one of these attributes and practices either educated or wired into young men at such a youthful age, all add to their activities and conduct as they become more seasoned and ascend the stepping stools in their vocations. The normal issue of men blame ladies for being excessively passionate and ladies blame men for not being enthusiastic enough is clarified very well in the male mind. From individual experience, I have seen connections not turn out to be on the grounds that one individual doesnt feel the other is tuning in, or one doesnt respond the manner in which the other was seeking after. In the wake of perusing this book I understand that the entirety of this because of the way that people procedure feelings differently.When confronted with an issue, a man doesnt react inwardly, rather his mind searches for an approach to settle it. I think Brazening says all that needs to be said when she expresses The male cerebrum is a lean, mean, critical thinking machine. Confronted with an individual issue, a man will utilize his scientific cerebrum structures to discover an answer. This prompts others getting irritated by male reactions since they feel as though their feelings are not being recognized and rather are being offered guidance and bearing that they didnt need to hear. As pernicious as this can be in close to home circumstances, I sense that it could be demonstrated useful in proficient work situations.As it says in Eagle and Carry, ladies ordinarily react in a way that recognizes others rights and their own privileges, giving an increasingly passionate reaction. Men additionally respond to circumstances by concealing their feelings. On the off chance that they are terrified or apprehensive their senses advise them to veil that ND not show those emotions in their outward appearances. They learn at a youthful age that acting cool and concealing their feelings of dread are the unwritten laws of manliness. accept that the distinctions in how people respond to feelings and how they utilize their feelings gives men another bit of leeway in the work force.After looking at both The Female Brain and The Male Brain, it has changed my perspectives a tad about how men are common pioneers. I accept that in our general public today men are more qualified to deal with positions of authority. The utilization of their hostility and self-conservation is the sort of qualities that get individuals far in their professions in our present reality. All things considered, taking the necessary steps is designed into a guys cerebrum than females. In The Male Brain it says Instinctive male-male rivalry and various leveled battling is driven by the two hormones and mind circuits. I decipher this as men having it incorporated with their minds that they should be the best regardless. I dont feel like ladies have similar impulses. Ladies are increasingly stressed over how others feel and their feelings. As it says in Eagle and Carry, Women develop more regularly than men as the social facilitators. This implies they trivet to assist individuals with getting along however dont normally hold a lot of intensity themselves. I accept that ladies dont hold the same number of official occupations as men in light of the fact that to move to those jobs in todays society require somebody who pays special mind to themselves before others.Another part of men fitting the influential position better is because of the way that they dont respond to feelings as ladies do. The way that men attempt to think of answers for issues is perfect for todays work power. The way that they can pull of a natural poker face could likewise help with regards to making bargains, settling on intense choices, ND controlling their feelings. Notwithstanding, I do accept that there are some influential positions that require to a greater extent a womans feelings and consideration.That being stated, those influential positions for the most part arent what we consider in our general public when we consider ground-breaking pioneers. All things considered, after the examination of the male and female cerebrum I do accept that guys have many natural and social qualities that give them a favorable position over ladies in the workforce. It isn't so much that I dont accept that ladies cannot be effective, I simply put stock with the end goal for them to ascend the stepping stool n their vocations, particularly the corporate one, they have to gain proficiency with a portion of the qualities that men are conceived with.Eagle and Carry put it impeccably when they state Changes in the brain research of ladies and men follow from changes in their jobs. The early advancement Of the cerebrums Of young men, the distinctions in light of feelings among people, and the characteristic authority characteristics that men have been giving them a preferred position in the work power. In any case, I feel that as society changes, ladies will have the option to adjust and gain more ground and become similarly as fruitful in their professions.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

Treatment of diabetes Essay Example For Students

Treatment of diabetes Essay Diabetes mellitus is brought about by a lack in the emission or activity of insulin. About six percent of the United States populace gives some level of variation from the norm in glucose digestion characteristic of diabetes or an inclination toward the condition. Diabetes mellitus is a gathering of illnesses wherein the administrative action of insulin is blemished. There are two significant clinical classes of the malady. Theres type I, which is insulin-subordinate diabetes mellitus (IDDM), and type II, which is non-insulin subordinate diabetes mellitus (NIDDM). IDDM starts from the get-go throughout everyday life and rapidly gets serious. NIDDM is delayed to create, milder, and frequently goes unrecognized. IDDM requires insulin treatment and cautious, deep rooted control of the harmony between glucose admission and insulin portion. Trademark side effects of diabetes are extreme thirst (polydipsia) and successive pee (polyuria), prompting admission of huge volumes of water. Likewise, exorbitant appetite and food utilization (polyphagia). These progressions are because of discharge of a lot of glucose in the pee. The term diabetes mellitus implies over the top discharge of sweet pee. Suspected qualities that cause IDDM are limited on numerous chromosomes, indicating that type I diabetes is a multigene immune system reaction. A few examiners accept the insusceptible framework is confounded. They believe that the pancreatic beta cells could be perceived as an outsider element due to past introduction to a remote substance that had comparable proteins to the beta cells. Its accepted that T cells target and protein glutamate decarboxylase (GAD) present in the beta cells. Stray coverts the amino corrosive glutamate into aminobutyric corrosive (GABA), a detachment between neurons. Stray is situated in the cerebrum avoided the resistant framework. Agents are indicating that the resistant framework may not remember it as a self-protein. Stray looks like the (p69) protein that beta cells show when they are contaminated by infections. Stray plays a significant, however it isnt the whole answer. A gathering of mice arranged to create diabetes were infused with GAD before the immune system reaction on the pancreas started and all the mice infused with GAD got away from advancement of diabetes. The effects of IDDM make the patients ailments progressively difficult to control. They as a rule have vascular and neural issues. Vascular issues that influence IDDM patients are strokes, renal shutdown, gangrene, coronary episodes, and visual impairment that could happen due to the high fat substance in the blood and high blood cholesterol levels. Neurological issues that emerge from IDDM are loss of sensation, weakness and harmed bladder capacities. In ladies, their bosoms are uneven and experience early menopause. NIDDM happens for the most part after the age of forty. Its a heterogeneous, dynamic issue described by pathogenic imperfections in insulin emission and activity. Around a quarter to 33% of Americans have a quality that influences them too the illness. For instance, on the off chance that one indistinguishable twin has NIDDM, the possibility of the other twin having the sickness would be a 100%. In NIDDM, the patients insulin receptors dont work any longer, however they are as yet ready to create insulin. Examiners accept a film protein is dependable. They think its PC-1 in light of the fact that in NIDDM patients, its levels are higher contrasted with a normal individual. Presently we might be asking why NIDDM patients need to eat less carbs and exercise, well almost 90% of them are fat. This happens on the grounds that the fat cells over produce a hormone like substance tumor rot factor-alpha. What this does is stifle the combination of a protein glut4, which empowers glucose to experience films. On the off chance that glut4 is absent, the cells cannot take up the glucose. In todays showcase, there are a great deal of remedies that are accessible to balance the deficiencys of IDDM and NIDDM patients. Such medications are Actos, Starlix, Glucophage, and Avandia, which increment insulin gathering for NIDDM, and Glipizide, Glyburide, Tolinase, and Tolbutmide, which increment insulin creation for IDDM patients. For individuals who have IDDM, they need to infuse themselves with insulin four times each day to decrease vascular and renal intricacies. .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b , .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b .postImageUrl , .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b .focused content region { min-stature: 80px; position: relative; } .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b , .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b:hover , .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b:visited , .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b:active { border:0!important; } .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b .clearfix:after { content: ; show: table; clear: both; } .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b { show: square; progress: foundation shading 250ms; webkit-change: foundation shading 250ms; width: 100%; darkness: 1; change: obscurity 250ms; webkit-change: murkiness 250ms; foundation shading: #95A5A6; } .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b:active , .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b:hover { mistiness: 1; change: haziness 250ms; webkit-progress: darkness 250ms; foundation shading: #2C3E50; } .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b .focused content territory { width: 100%; position: relativ e; } .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b .ctaText { fringe base: 0 strong #fff; shading: #2980B9; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: striking; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; content improvement: underline; } .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b .postTitle { shading: #FFFFFF; text dimension: 16px; textual style weight: 600; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; width: 100%; } .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b .ctaButton { foundation shading: #7F8C8D!important; shading: #2980B9; outskirt: none; fringe span: 3px; box-shadow: none; text dimension: 14px; text style weight: intense; line-tallness: 26px; moz-outskirt range: 3px; content adjust: focus; content beautification: none; content shadow: none; width: 80px; min-tallness: 80px; foundation: url( arrow.png)no-rehash; position: total; right: 0; top: 0; } .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b:hover .ctaButton { foundation shading: #34495E!important; } .u2 2c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b .focused content { show: table; tallness: 80px; cushioning left: 18px; top: 0; } .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b-content { show: table-cell; edge: 0; cushioning: 0; cushioning right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-adjust: center; width: 100%; } .u22c49264523f66df24286c82a0ee336b:after { content: ; show: square; clear: both; } READ: history of the Atomic Bomb Essay NIDDM patients will likewise in the end need to infuse themselves. An individual can monitor their glucose levels by utilizing a glucose checking machine, which diabetics are not to attached to doing. Jabbing themselves with a lancet four times each day on their .

Friday, August 21, 2020

Theory of Extreme Capital Structure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Hypothesis of Extreme Capital Structure - Essay Example Thusly, capital structure can be characterized as the game plan of capital. So as to break down capital structure, we have to feature the contrast between capital structure and money related structure. The terms are exchanged in certain circles to mean the equivalent, however they are not exactly the equivalent. Money related structure is the entirety of the considerable number of means the firm uses to subsidize its exercises. In this way, monetary structure contains total assets and liabilities of the organization for example short and long haul. The capital structure then again is monetary structure barring momentary obtaining. Capital structure has just been viewed as two-crease, with the money and resource structure. The wellspring of capital is the thing that figures out what resource will be bought. The structure of capital is arranged as follows: 1. As indicated by sources: The structure may either be straightforward or complex. A basic structure comprises of a solitary sourc e while the complex is the place the sources are mutiple. (Albeit held profit isn't viewed as an extra source). This mode is just conceivable under the reserve idea since it is uncommon for a firm to have one resource, discrediting the advantage idea. 2. As indicated by sources This is comprehensively arranged into interior and outer sources. Inward sources involve share capital (reward issue), capital save, and hold and overflow. On the hand the outer sources incorporate offer capital (reward issue barred), share premium, relinquished offers, long haul and momentary liabilities and debentures. 3. As per possession This is either proprietorship capital or creditorship (obligation) capital. Proprietorship capital incorporates value share capital and held income while creditorship contains debentures, long haul and momentary liabilities. It is concurred by all bookkeepers where inclination offers ought to be gathered as they have the two components of possession and obligation. 4. As indicated by cost conduct This characterizes the benefits as either fixed expense or variable expense, contingent upon their cost ramifications. The fixed cost capital incorporate inclination share, long haul obligation and debentures though factor cost capital incorporate value offer and transient liabilities. Firms have distinctive capital structures relying upon industry, organization type, and extent of capital commitment. The speculations of capital structure attempt to pose the relevant inquiries in utilizing, valuation, and monetary equalization. This includes assessing how a firm can influence its complete valuation considering obligation and value, how obligation influences the firm’s position. This is by utilization of bookkeeping proportions 1  Where  is the firm’s obligation yield, accepting the component of unendingness of obligation 2.  [E=EBIT-I] Where we accept 100% profit payout and the organizations procuring are consistent with no component of development. In this manner, the profit/value proportion gives the market rebate rate, which rises to the current estimation of the arrangement of expected future profits at the current market estimation of the offer. 3.  Where  is the firm’s in general capitalisation rate. It calculation is typically the weighting of the expense of capital as appeared beneath + The speculations of capital structure attempt to clarify the connection between capital, influence and the firm’s esteem. What we need to know is the thing that happens to , and when the level of influence (D/V) increments or how is the estimation of capital

Thursday, June 4, 2020

Business School Admissions

Business School Admissions July 4, 2012 Business school admissions could stand a boost of diversity, according to The Wall Street Journal. If you look at the minority statistics at various highly selective business schools, you might think that business schools dont have any issue in securing minority graduate students. But theres an old Mark Twain saying Lies, damned lies and statistics. You need only to look at the data a little bit more carefully to realize that business schools do indeed have a problem with securing minority students they just dont have an issue in securing Asian American students an overrepresented minority group in the admissions process. The percentage of students in MBA programs listed as minorities only tells part of the story of a schools ability to recruit, for instance, African American and Latino candidates. Whys that? Because Asian Americans make up a big percentage of this data (photo credit: Joseph Barillari). As an example, according to The Wall Street Journal, Cornell Universitys Johnson Graduate School of Management reported that 34% of its two-year M.B.A. class graduating next spring will be minorities, up from 31% in the class that graduated this year. But taking Asian-Americans from that count shows the share of underrepresented minority students actually fell during that time, to 12% from 15%. 12 and 15% are a major difference from 31 and 34%, wouldnt you say? The statistics can indeed be deceiving! And its not just that business schools have a hard time in getting minority students to enroll in their programs they also have a hard time in getting minority candidates to apply for admission. The statistics can also greatly vary from year to year for enrolled minority MBA students. At Dartmouth Colleges Tuck School of Business as an example, 19% of the Class of 2012 was reported as minorities (of which 10.2% was reported as underrepresented minorities). How about for the Class of 2013? The 19% is down to 14%. A 5% drop is significant at one of Americas most prestigious graduate business schools. Why do you think minority students are reluctant to apply to business schools? Do you think cost being prohibitive is a major obstacle? Do you think its because minorities are seeking careers in other sectors? Whats the reason for this? Let us know your thoughts on the subject by posting below! Were interested to hear your opinions.

Sunday, May 17, 2020

William Faulkner s A Rose For Emily - 1181 Words

Is William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily iconic American literature? Faulkner uses setting, theme and plot to show the ways â€Å"A Rose for Emily† is an iconic American literature. Faulkner saw the Forum magazine with his short story he wrote, â€Å"A Rose for Emily† and found out that was his first national publication. The Mississippi Writers Page says, â€Å"The man himself never stood taller than five feet, six inches tall, but in the realm of American literature, William Faulkner is a giant† (MWP). In â€Å"A Rose for Emily† the setting gives readers value and beliefs to help the audience understand the short story. The setting of the short story is post- civil war, in a small town in the south. Faulkner uses the post-civil war as a specific time frame to help readers understand the background and the beliefs of the characters with in the story. Since the townspeople are weirdly fascinated by Miss Emily being stuck in the older times, the setting gives the readers the mentality and behavior them. Since Faulkner uses flashback and foreshadowing in each sections it helps guide the audience have some sense since it can be confusing at some moments. Understanding the events that are happening in the story is an important point in the setting, along with the descriptions that Faulkner uses that gives readers the imagine of a very gothic feel. Faulkner uses a gothic feel when explaining Miss Emily’s house and Miss Emily herself. â€Å"It was a big, squarish frame house that had once beenShow MoreRelatedWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily951 Words   |  4 Pagesliterary Response to â€Å"A Rose for Emily† â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner was published in 1930. This short story is set in an old southern town. I believe that this and several other combinations of events are what made the main character Miss Emily go insane. Miss Emily was an old school southern woman trapped in a modernizing society. She tried desperately to keep to her old ways, but the changes that happened around her were inevitable. This made me feel like something was going to goRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily1316 Words   |  6 Pagesminuscule detail in the writing. In order to fully enjoy William Faulkner’s â€Å"A Rose for Emily† readers must do the latter. Faulkner is a witty writer; some symbols are less obvious than others in his writing. To fully appreciate and obtain full meaning of the text readers must pay attention to his symbols and how they contribute to the greater theme. William Faulkner uses symbolization in â€Å"A Rose for Emily† to develop a theme of personal struggle. Emily faces many personal struggles: her relationship withRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily1528 Words   |  7 Pagespoint of view is A Rose for Emily told? Why? In William Faulkner s short story A Rose for Emily the reader is given the account of an old woman who is rejected by society. The reader is acquainted with Miss Emily Grierson by a spectator, somebody who is not Miss Emily, but rather part of the town that rejects her. The storyteller has a somewhat omniscient perspective, knowing more than the normal town s individual, however not all that matters there is to think about Miss Emily. The storytellerRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily1801 Words   |  8 Pages William Faulkner is known for his many short stories, however, many has wondered what has influenced him in writing these stories. Like his well known, most famous short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, which has always been compared to â€Å"Barn Burning†, one of Faulkner’s other short story. It only make sense to compare them two together because these two stories has may similarities , whether it may be in setting , characters or style they favor each other . Nevertheless they also have many differencesRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily957 Words   |  4 PagesBereavement While a â€Å"Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner and â€Å"A Good Man is Hard to Find† by Flannery O’Connor share the common themes of unexpected death and the old south, the murders found in each story are vastly different. Both stories tell of strong female protagonists who don’t cope well with change and both foreshadow death right from the beginning, but the murderers themselves come from completely different worlds. Emily Grierson of â€Å"A Rose for Emily and the grandmother in â€Å"ARead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily879 Words   |  4 Pagesare both similar due to how these emotions cause a human to act irrationally. The lone woman in A Rose for Emily and the cashier, Sammy, in A P both portrayed a greater sense of hate which overcame their love. We as humans, capable of powerful emotion typically act too quickly to even understand the consequences of our actions. One prime example is portrayed in William Faulkner’s A Rose for Emily, Emily loved Homer tremendously, however he did not feel the same way †he liked men, and it was knownRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily1682 Words   |  7 PagesLyons Professor Amy Green Writing about Literature COM1102 Oct. 06, 2015 William Faulkner s A Rose for Emily is a short story that has also been adapted into a short film; both have been largely debated. Faulkner’s lack of a normal chronology and situation-triggered memories generates a story that has many understandings among its readers, but surprises everyone at the end. When asked about the title of his story, Faulkner said, [The title] was an allegorical title; the meaning was, here was aRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily854 Words   |  4 Pages Literary Response to â€Å"A Rose for Emily† â€Å"A Rose for Emily† by William Faulkner was published in 1930. This short story is set in an old southern town. I believe that this and several other combinations of events are what made the main character Miss Emily go insane. Miss Emily was a old school southern woman trapped in a modernizing society. She tried desperately to try and keep to her old ways, but the changes were inevitable. This made me feel like something was going to go wrong very early inRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Rose For Emily1810 Words   |  8 Pages William Faulkner is one amazing writing ,who is known for his many short stories .However, many has wondered what has influenced him in writing these stories . Like his well known, most famous short story â€Å"A Rose for Emily†, which has always been compared to â€Å"Barn Burning†, one of Faulkner’s other short story. It only make sense to compare them two together because these two stories has may similarities , whether it may be in setting , characters or style they favor each other . NeverthelessRead MoreWilliam Faulkner s A Of The Sky And A Rose For Emily1540 Words   |  7 Pagesgeneral has affected all societies in all time periods, and reading is more than just an everyday task. These two authors affected society in their time, with their reappraising stories: A Horseman In The Sky and A Rose For Emily. However, William Faulkner (author of A Rose For Emily) and Ambrose Bierce (author of A Horseman In The Sky) have different views and affects on so ciety by when the particular story was published, the use of figurative language, and different genres. Back in the time of

Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Understanding the Management Role to Improve Management...

Assessemnet by Sian Walsh Learning Outcome / Section 1: Understand the specific responsibilities of middle managers in enabling an organisation to achieve its goals AC 1.1 Describe the goals and objectives of your organisation In order for me to describe the goals and objectives of my organisation I need to understand the difference between the two. Goals are generally long term intentions or aims that hopefully can be achieved Goals within my organisation look at where we would continue to strive towards. They are long term aims. They are stated in our professional development plan stating:- (Appendix 1) Excellent Welsh medium education Every pupil to achieve their potential Effective partnerships across all Welsh†¦show more content†¦AC 1.2 Evaluate the specific responsibilities of middle managers in enabling your organisation to achieve its goals. Within my organisation there are is a hierarchy of staff. With the organisation being a school the person to lead the school would the head teacher. Even though it is the head teacher that encourages all staff and students at the school, the board of governors would ensure that the school strive to achieve the goals and objectives that are set. The person next in authority would be the assistant head teacher. Even though the position of the assistant head teacher would be below in seniority it would be fair to say that these two positions would jointly make decisions within my organisation. The next two tiers would include the middle managers. With my organisation being a school these would include the head of Key Stage such (KS) as key stage 3, 4 and 5 and the heads of departments. The head of key stage would be held by the Head of Years (H.O.Y) and being a secondary school it would include the head of year 7 up to and including the head of sixth form. There is also a support staff co-ordinator that would also have the same responsibilities as a middle manager. The diagram below would illustrate the seniority between these positions within the school. School Governors I HeadShow MoreRelatedUnderstanding the Management Role to Improve Management Performance2589 Words   |  11 PagesUnderstanding the management role to improve management performance Understand the specific responsibilities of middle managers in enabling and organisation to achieve its goals The responsibility of middle management within the Child Abuse Investigation team is enabling the organisation to achieve its goal in the safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children, protecting children from abuse and neglect, preventing impairment of their health and development, and ensuring they are growingRead MoreAssignment: Understanding the management role to improve management performance 4884 Words   |  20 Pagesï » ¿Assignment: Understanding the management role to improve management performance Centre Number: Learner registration Number: Centre Name: Learner name: 1.1. 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Tuesday, May 5, 2020

The Lost World Essay Summary Example For Students

The Lost World Essay Summary (Comparison/Contrast): The Lost World as a novel is verydifferent from its film version. The most contrasts are found in the beginningof the story. For instance, the novel starts off with Ian Malcolm giving adetailed lecture on extinction theories at the Santa Fe Research Center. Whereas, the film starts with a wealthy British family vacationing on Isla Sorna, anisland of Costa Rica. -=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-* Copyright Inc. *Category:Music MoviesPaper Title:The Lost World (Comparison/Contrast)Text:Jurassic Park The Lost WorldComparison ContrastThe Lost World as a novel is very different from its film version. The mostcontrasts are found in the beginning of the story. For instance, the novelstarts off with Ian Malcolm giving a detailed lecture on extinction theories atthe Santa Fe Research Center. Where as, the film starts with a wealthy Britishfamily vacationing on Isla Sorna, an island of Costa Rica. On this island thetiny dinosaurs called compys attack a young British girl. As you can see thebeginning of the novel is completely different from the beginning of the film. As a matter of fact, the novel and the film do not begin to have anysimilarities until the characters get to Site-B, an island off of Costa Ricawhere the dinosaurs where bred. The characters in The Lost World did have a lot of similarities as well asdifferences. One major character is Ian Malcolm, a forty-year-old man who wasone of the early pioneers in the Chaos Theory. Malcolm also featured in thefirst Jurassic Park. Even though he was in both the novel and the film, hischaracteristics were different. In the novel his leg was hurt from his previousexpedition in the first Jurassic Park, but in the film he seemed to be perfectlyhealthy and uninjured. Another character that plays a major roll is RichardLevine, an arrogant thirty-year-old man. In the novel Levine plays as a wealthypaleontologist in search of Site-B. As for the film, Richard Levine plays acompletely different roll. In the film he is the nephew of John Hammond, thecreator of the dinosaurs. He also has no association with being apaleontologist; his interests in the movie are for making money off thedinosaurs by creating an amusement park that features the dinosaurs on the mainland. Sarah Hardin g plays a big part in then novel and as well as the film. Inthe novel Harding plays a rather young biologist, which has a relationship withIan Malcolm. The only difference with Harding between the novel and the film isthat she plays a biologist in the novel and a paleontologist in the film. Another two characters that play a major roll in the novel are Kelly Curtis andArby Benton. Kelly is a thirteen-year-old seventh grader, who has an interest inpaleontology, not to mention that she idols Sarah Harding. Arby is aneleven-year-old African American seventh grader; he has been skipped up a gradebecause he is so intelligent. In the novel the two children sneak on to the boatis on the expedition to Site-B. In the film there is only one child, a youngAfrican American girl named Kelly that is related to Ian Malcolm by adoption,which also sneaks on to the island. The most similar of the novel and film is probably the terrain of Costa Rica. This is probably because the terrain is a known fact that cannot be changed. Inboth the novel and film, the terrain is covered with rocky cliffs and volcanicridges. Ravines, tall grasses, and very dense overgrown jungles also flourishedthe island. Considering the dense overgrown jungles it was very hard for thecharacters to see the buildings and roads from the air, which made it difficultto find a good place to land. One thing that made it difficult to travel,besides the dinosaurs hunting them, was the gusty winds with updrafts. .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c , .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c .postImageUrl , .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c , .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c:hover , .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c:visited , .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c:active { border:0!important; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c:active , .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u21d8cc40e776e103ddf2741c5931452c:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Shakespeares Romeo And Juliet EssayThe dinosaurs were obviously similar in the novel and film. The only thingthat contrasted the two is the fact that the novel had more of a variety ofdinosaurs than the film. There were three dinosaurs that were mainly featured inthe novel and film. Among the three, was the famous Tyrannosaurs Rex, whichcaused the most damage and casualties. The T-Rex reaches about twenty totwenty-five feet in height and has gigantic bone crushing jaws with fleshtearing teeth. Another one was the Velociraptor, more commonly known as theraptor. The raptors were probably the smartest of

Sunday, April 19, 2020

94.9% / 674 words / Zhou 1Tangia ZhouENG2D

94.9% / 674 words / Zhou 1Tangia ZhouENG2D-10Mr Essay Zhou 1 Tangia Zhou ENG2D-10 Mr. Staff Mon. April. 30, 2018 Passion Versus Reason All decisions in life should be made with a balance of emotion and logic. If not balanced correctly, there will be consequences. Throughout Romeo and Juliet, a play by William Shakespeare, the theme of emotions outweighing reason is explored, resulting in the deaths of many, including the deaths of young lovers, Romeo and Juliet. This is shown through many characters and their actions caused by their personalities, which eventually lead to their downfall. Along with that, the motif of fear causes emotions to outweigh reason, and on top of that, multiple conflicts arise, which cause many characters to think unclearly and use their judgement based on emotions solely. Firstly, Romeo is known to be a very emotional character, often becoming upset about small situations. He lets his emotions run wild when he kills himself after thinking his love, Juliet is dead. An example of this is when Romeo says â€Å"Come, bitter conduct, come, unsavoury guide/ Thou desperate pilot, now at once run on/ The dashing rocks thy seasick, weary bark/ Here’s to my love!† (Shakespeare 5.3.116-119). Romeo was clearly sunken in sorrow at the fact that Juliet died, and he is only thinking with emotion, which leads to his demise. Moving on, Romeo’s emotions outweigh reason when he kills Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, after Tybalt kills Mercutio, Romeo’s loyal friend. Romeo was outraged with his friend’s death, and didn’t take the time to think about the consequences. His emotions were leading him to revenge, which led to Tybalt’s death and eventually, Romeo’s exile from Verona. Furthermore, Juliet is also known to be an emotional character, who makes many hasty actions due to her overwhelming emotion. Secondly, the motif of fear is often explored throughout the play. Fear causes people to do irrational things and there are always consequences. Firstly, Juliet is afraid of marrying Paris, the man she is forced to marry, so she takes a sleeping potion to make her appear dead. This is so when everyone thinks she\s dead, she can be retrieved by Romeo, who is in exile, when she wakes up. Juliet never thought about the consequences that could arise due to her taking the sleeping potion. This eventually causes Romeo’s death as new never went to him that Juliet faked her death, proving that fear has an influence on Juliet’s emotion when coming up with a significant decision. In addition, male dominance as a motif occurs throughout the play many times through Tybalt, Juliet’s cousin, who strongly represents the stereotypical dominant male. It is clear that emotions outrule reason when Tybalt enters hot blooded and ready to fight anyone. â€Å"Boy, this shall not excus e the injuries// that thou hast done me; therefore turn and draw† (Shakespeare 3.1.65-66). He acts strong to defend his family honour, so it is because of his emotional anger that rules over reason, that eventually kills Mercutio at this sword fight. Finally, the motif of hate allows people to make irrational decisions using their emotions, without thinking about consequences. Finally, the figurative language in this play clearly demonstrates how emotions can overpower logic and reason. Firstly, there is the use of a hyperbole which in this case helps exaggerate the effect of the statement. Right after Romeo meets Juliet, he goes to Friar Laurence, a religious confessor and tells him â€Å"I stand on sudden haste† (Shakespeare 2.3.93), after telling him he wants to marry Juliet, whom he has just met. This shows that Romeo is lovestruck and is not thinking about the fact that it is not logical to marry someone the day after meeting them, thus proving the idea of emotions overpowering reason. Moving on, At some point in everyone’s life, their emotions dictate reason and logic, and this occurs many times throughout the play of Romeo and Juliet. First, To conclude, although Romeo and Juliet were star crossed lovers, maybe they wouldn’t have d .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 , .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 .postImageUrl , .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 , .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49:hover , .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49:visited , .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49:active { border:0!important; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49:active , .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49 .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ucb3658768e9a7635235620b7a81ade49:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Gender issues in lysistrata, a Essay We will write a custom essay on 94.9% / 674 words / Zhou 1Tangia ZhouENG2D-10Mr specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now Works Cited Shakespeare, William, et al. Romeo and Juliet: Teacher\s Guide. Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Canada, 1987.

Sunday, March 15, 2020

That Is vs. Which Is

That Is vs. Which Is That Is vs. Which Is That Is vs. Which Is By Mark Nichol This generation, like every one before it and every one to follow, has the dubious pleasure of seeing evolution of language in action. The changes are obvious to careful writers, as they notice with distressingly increasing frequency the erosion of a distinction between words with similar but divergent meanings (for example, anxious versus eager) or a relaxing of a grammatical rule. One example of the latter that is near or at its tipping point (in this case, the point at which a grammatical error becomes so ubiquitous as to widely be deemed acceptable) is the distinction between restrictive and nonrestrictive, or essential and nonessential, clauses. Throughout the modern era, at least in American English, careful writers have honored a distinction between the use of â€Å"that is† and â€Å"which is† and, universally, the insertion or omission of punctuation to begin or bracket a subordinate clause. For example, the sentences â€Å"The dog that has a bone is well trained† and â€Å"The dog, which has a bone, is well trained† have distinct meanings signaled not only by the difference of a word but also the use of parenthetical punctuation in the latter sentence. For the sake of promoting unambiguous communication, such statements as â€Å"The dog which has a bone is well trained† is avoided (though such usage is common in British English). The phrase â€Å"that has a bone† in â€Å"The dog that has a bone is well trained† provides essential information: More than one dog is visible to the speaker or writer and the observer or reader, and the person making the statement is providing an additional detail to direct the other person to one dog in particular. By contrast, â€Å"The dog, which has a bone, is well trained† likely refers to a scenario in which only one dog is present. The sentence does not specify whether one or more other dogs are in the vicinity, because such information is irrelevant. The phrase â€Å"which has a bone† is providing additional, nonessential information to the base sentence â€Å"The dog is well trained.† Unfortunately, writers often fail to observe the distinction, and even more unfortunately, many of these writers are paid to write; their content is published online and in printed publications that many other people read, and many of these other people see the erroneous content, accept it (it’s published, after all, so it must be correct- right?), and consciously or unconsciously imitate it. Eventually, the tipping point is reached, and (for better or worse) wrong becomes right. A case in point, with not one but two identical grammatical violations: One writer said of two much-anticipated films, â€Å"Before giving us his upcoming Blade Runner sequel that’s shrouded in mystery, director Denis Villeneuve has the sci-fi movie Arrival that is getting incredible  word of mouth.† By including the phrases â€Å"that’s shrouded in mystery† and â€Å"that is getting incredible word of mouth†- with that in place of which and without parenthetical punctuation- the writer creates the impression that the phrases are essential. Evidently, more than one Blade Runner sequel is imminent, and one of them, directed by Denis Villeneuve, is shrouded in mystery. (Presumably, the other is not- or the others are not.) In addition, of two or more movies titled Arrival, one is getting incredible word of mouth. (Presumably, the other is not- or the others are not.) What the writer should have written is â€Å"Before giving us his upcoming Blade Runner sequel, which is shrouded in mystery, director Denis Villeneuve has the sci-fi movie Arrival, which is getting incredible  word of mouth.† This sentence describes two unique films, one of which is shrouded in mystery and one of which is getting incredible word of mouth. The phrases that provide those additional details are bracketed by commas to signal that the details are not necessary for one to understand the basic fact that two films directed by the same man are being released in sequence. (The additional information is potentially intriguing but not essential.) I’ve noticed the lack of distinction between essential and nonessential clauses more and more often over the years, not because I’m more observant than before but because the erosion is more common than it used to be. I know that such evolution is inevitable, but as with any change, one can accept the inevitability yet still resist it. More than that, it is the responsibility of all careful writers to do so. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Style category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Idioms About Legs, Feet, and ToesDisappointed + PrepositionWhile vs. Whilst

Thursday, February 27, 2020

Blood formation and maturation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Blood formation and maturation - Assignment Example On the fourth day, normoblast is formed containing about thirty-five percent of the hemopoietic of a full red blood cell, and mostly the nucleus disappears at this point. From the fifth to the seventh day, the reticulocyte matures and the synthesis of the hemopoietic is increased. The outline of the red blood cell gets attained at this point, and the cells still contain the ribonucleic acid. On the eighth day, the red blood cell is mature without the ribonucleic acid, and no synthesize of the hemopoietic (Leach, 2015). Leukocytes are separated into two types the granulocytes and the agranulocytes (Leach, 2015). These types are further categorized into the lymphocytes, monocytes, basophils, neutrophils, and eosinophil. Leukocytes with the exception of the lymphocytes mature in the bone marrow (Leach, 2015). In early development like the case of embryos, white blood cells are formed in the yolk sac and later on in the spleen and lymph nodes. After the development of the bone marrow, most of the white blood cells are formed in it. However, maturation gets left to take place in secondary lymphoid organs such as the spleen and the lymph nodes (Boundless 2,

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Freedom of Goods of the European Union Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Freedom of Goods of the European Union - Article Example Included in the main goals of the said organization are foreign trade interaction, democratization, human rights, pluralism and the rule of law.1 The focal point of the objectives is the establishment of a Common Market which can enable a coherent activities related to the economy towards development and expansion. This will enable the free movement of goods in the member countries by preventing different forms of national restrictions in terms of processes such as importation, exportation and other forms of product movement. The main issue that is the focus of the study is the governing law on the basis of the movement of the goods and products across borders. The implementation of the EC Treaty and Law can be considered important due to the question of its maximum applicability until the present era. Due to the fact that the European Union can be perceived as a single unit in the economic society, the process of trade of products and goods can be predicted to be relatively more complicated. The governing law then can be considered as the key concept that can be studied. Although the European Community (EC) has different specified objectives, the participation and control of the international trade can be considered as the main goal. ... It the view of the system can be considered confusing, this is due to the fact that although the member nations of the EC has independent governing laws, the incorporation of the EC Law can be considered as a necessity and requirement. But due to the fact that the organization requires full-pledged cooperation and dedication, the EC Law is applied by the national courts. This is important to be able to determine the applicability of the rules in the member nations. The EC Justice is the law governing unit that cooperates and transcends the member nations.2 In the trade and freedom of goods there are dynamics that are needed to be given attention. These are the provisions of the EC Law in terms of the importation process, exportation process, and other issues. The EC Law that governs the importation of goods from member countries is under the Article 30. One of the important captions is in relation to the quantitative restrictions in the importation process between Member nations. This also includes related processes within the member nations and the governing body.3 The governing law is under the duties, charges and taxes. Article 23 is a related part of the EC Law that pertains to the "prohibition of the tariffs and other related measures." One of the related cases is that of the Social Foonds and SA CH. BRACHFELD that involved the importation of Belgium of diamonds. The product was charged with 0.33% duties which are prohibited by the EC Treaty. The charges that are involved upon crossing a frontier can be considered as one of the hindrance for the proliferation of the movement of goods. Under the EC Law the member states are not allowed to charge such fees and taxes.4 Upon consideration of the effect of

Friday, January 31, 2020

European Description Essay Example for Free

European Description Essay The fear when youre in a social situation in which you may be exposed to some kind of harm, or so as you may think. It can arouse a panic attack, the persons fear is noticeable and they would rather avoid such situations. It is normally diagnosed in people under 18, and can last for about 6 months. This fear is not created because of a drug, and if a general condition is present, it is not related to it in any way. European Description: Often starts in adolescence and is experienced around small groups of people. It can be seen in both males and females. In some cultures, direct eye-to-eye contact can be stressful, and nausea, hand tremor and panic attacks may be seen too. Most of this is related to low self-esteem and there is always a prevailing fear of being criticized. In extreme cases, total isolation may be experienced  Treatment:  Most phobias can be treated through therapy, however in very extreme cases, pharmacotherapy (includes the use of antidepressant drugs) may be needed. (APA 1998) The cognitive behavioral therapies reassure the patient that there is nothing that could possibly harm them. This is done by approaching a situation which may be frightening for the patient and then breaking it down into pieces to allow ways to cope with that (such as muscle relaxation). These therapies have been in practice for a while and have been proven fruitful. A limitation of this treatment is lack of therapists to take care of such situations. An article also suggested that serotonin reuptake inhibitors also help in such conditions. Is the sudden, rapid, unusual kind of behavior which may be vocal or physical called tics. It normally attacks someone before the age of 18 and there is no research to know its cause; it is neither the side effect of a drug nor a general disease. The period can last for about a year, and the tics occur as frequently as a few times a day. European Description: A tic is defined as a sudden and involuntary movement, which is of no use but may be suppressed. Common tics include blinking of the eye, sniffing, shrugging your shoulders whereas more complex ones can be more physical, such as skipping around, or even causing harm to one self. It is an uncommon, chronic disorder which occurs more in males compared to females and has been proved hereditary. De la Tourrettes Syndrome is when theres a lot of overlap of vocal and physical tics which can be observed during childhood or adolescence, and can lead on into a patients adult life too. Tics may be suppressed and can be put off by going to sleep! Recent research: + Magazine Article  Sleeping Patterns in children with Tourette syndrome: a polysomnographic study  To evaluate data on sleep quantity/quality and tics during night sleep in children with Tourette syndrome  Polysomnography of teenage and young kids who suffered from Tourettes were taken [ they did not have attention deficit hyperactivity disorder ]. The control for this experiment was a group of 16year old sex and IQ matched teenagers. Their sleeping patterns were noticed to have added short movements, which lasted about 15 seconds and their tic activity and sleeping span were studied. It was seen that kids who suffered from TS showed major changes in their sleeping span and slept for longer than the control group. it was also seen that they were awake most of the time, rather than fully asleep. The number of stages that they went through had no difference. Movement was seen to be similar, but TS patients showed a little bit more movement.  It was seen that there is no direct link between sleep span and movements in your sleep. Children with TS have disturbed sleep which is because of their tics during the day. There is a need for further research on this issue Treatment: A placebo-controlled trial of risperidone in Tourette syndrome  A study was carried out to evaluate the efficacy and safety of risperidone in children and adults with TS  The study lasted for 8 weeks and patients were selected randomly for a placebo controlled trial. Total tic score was being measured.  34 participants (26 children and 8 adults) from 6 to 62 years were available. Total Tic scores were similar at baseline (26.0 +/- 5.1 for risperidone vs 27.4 +/- 8.5 for placebo). After 8 weeks of treatment (mean daily dose of 2.5 +/- 0.85), the 16 subjects on risperidone showed a 32% reduction in tic severity from baseline, compared to a 7% reduction for placebo patients. The 12 children randomized to risperidone showed a 36% reduction in tic symptoms compared to an 11% decrease in the 14 children on placebo. Two children on risperidone showed acute social phobia, which resolved with dose reduction in one subject but resulted in medication discontinuation in the other. A mean increase in body weight of 2.8 kg was observed in the risperidone group compared to no change in placebo. No extrapyramidal symptoms and no clinically significant alterations in cardiac conduction times or laboratory measures were observed.  Therefore it was seen that Risperidone appears to be safe and effective for short-term treatment of tics in children or adults with Tourette syndrome. Longer-term studies are needed to evaluate the durability of efficacy and safety over time.

Thursday, January 23, 2020

A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution Essa

A More Perfect Union: Japanese Americans and the U.S. Constitution Introduction Located on the third floor of the National Museum of American History, "A More Perfect Union" documents the forced relocation of thousands of Japanese Americans during World War II. The exhibit focuses on the violation of constitutional rights that occurred during this process. The purposes of this review are as follows: describe the scope, purpose, and message of the exhibit, analyze how that message is organized and communicated, evaluate the effectiveness of the exhibit, and interpret the exhibit as a cultural artifact. Description During the late 19th and early 20th centuries, many Japanese immigrated to the United States and started new lives on the West Coast or Hawaii. The majority of these people, as well as their children, held U.S. citizenship; however, due to the racial prejudice and distrust of World War II these Japanese Americans were denied their rights guaranteed in the Constitution. This statement is the overall message of "A More Perfect Union." "A More Perfect Union" begins with the image of the Constitution portrayed on a large wall. Nearby, the Bill of Rights is shown and explained. The privileges guaranteed by these documents are fully developed through prose and quotations. The freedoms associated with U.S. citizenship are all clear in the minds of the museum goers as they proceed to the next section. The second section of the exhibit contains information on the immigration and assimilation of the Japanese into the culture of the West Coast and Hawaii. This area shows how the first generation of immigrants, or issei, traveled over the Pacific to an entirely new nation and society. Many soon became citize... ...on. She felt the message of the exhibit was "to apologize for the Americans who acted out of hysteria in imprisoning a multitude of fellow citizens who were completely innocent." A large portion of her review is devoted to expanding this apology concept. In my opinion, the purpose of the exhibit should be to educate, not to ask forgiveness. Conclusion I feel that "A More Perfect Union" did an excellent job of telling the true story of the Japanese internment. It also was successful in celebrating the achievements of the Japanese American people. The only flaws I found in the exhibit were the unnecessary emphasis on Japanese American soldiers and the praising of the American people and their use of the Constitution. All other aspects of the exhibit, especially the artifacts and audio-visual displays, were suitably used to tell the story of the Japanese relocation.

Tuesday, January 14, 2020

Thailand Culture

FULBRIGHTER’S INTRODUCTION TO THAILAND: ? ADVICE AND COMMENTARY Text: Scott McNabb, College of Education, The University of Iowa ? Commentary: Porntip Kanjananiyot, Executive Director,? Thailand-U. S. Educational Foundation (Fulbright) The following essay has been written to provide orientation thoughts for American scholars who are embarking on a Fulbright assignment in Thailand. I hope that it will provide insights that will help Fulbrighters to understand, appreciate, and engage fully with their academic colleagues and other Thais they will encounter.It is not meant only as a â€Å"survival† guide; our hopes are far greater than that. It is written to help individuals maximize the cross-cultural gift that they have been given—to live and work among the Thai people for a significant period of time. This essay is based on my 19 trips to Thailand which span the period 1968 to 2011, from Peace Corps teaching at Thammasat University through two Fulbrights and multi ple other teaching, evaluation and research trips.I have taught International Education and qualitative research classes at The University of Iowa since 1979. In this essay, I will indulge in the kind of generalizations I never allow my students to make. In my classes, I encourage my students to think tentatively and carefully about cross-cultural issues, and make few if any broad conclusions. Here, in the interests of encouraging discussion and giving usable advice, I will risk making general comments about Thai culture. This essay, then, is written less as an academic piece than as a kind of user’s manual. I have asked my colleague and friend Porntip Kanjananiyot to provide commentary from her perspective of being deeply engaged in Thai-American educational exchange work for a number of years. Porntip is currently the Executive Director of the Fulbright program in Thailand. We hope that our discussion back and forth will provide additional insights. ?This article includes a dvice on language learning, behavior to help you engage in Thai culture, and some responses to issues that you may well encounter with your Thai colleagues and other Thais whom you get to know. ?Opening Advice and Questions?In general, the more â€Å"out there† you can be—learning the language, trying all kinds of food, engaging with all kinds of people (monks, market people, academics, and so on), learning to joke Thai-style (including making jokes about yourself), taking unwarranted compliments without resisting them too much, and so on—the more you will learn about and appreciate various aspects of the â€Å"Thai view of the world. † The â€Å"authentic† Thailand is surprisingly close physically to the â€Å"tourist† Thailand—it’s just under a bridge or around a corner or down an alley where tourists typically don’ venture. . . r it’s on full display before most tourists typically wake up, like watching the mon ks make their early morning rounds. Within a relatively short walk from Khaosan Road, the backpacker mecca in Bangkok, there are amulet markets near Thammasat University that are rarely visited by foreigners, where one can venture deeply into the spiritual beliefs of the Thai people. Don’t be afraid to wander (within reason) wherever your curiosity takes you. If you are actively searching for something, cultivating the â€Å"treasure hunt mind,† you may well find what you are searching for, or something equally interesting.Or your quest may bring additional questions about the initial â€Å"treasure† you were seeking. For example, if you go to the amulet market in search of a small statue of the Hindu deity Hanuman, you will certainly find many other intriguing deities along the way—all of whom demonstrate incorporation of the Hindu religious figures, and Mahayana Buddhism, in Thai Buddhism. Why is Ganesh so popular in Thailand? Or Kwan Yin (Yao Mae Kuan Im)? With whom are the various deities popular? In many ways, Fulbrighters can benefit from the outlook and skills that qualitative researchers develop; that of the participant observer. You are taking part in the culture that you are trying to understand. PORNTIP COMMENTS: Go out to meet people and you will find that Thai people generally welcome foreigners. Smile with them and show your interest in what they are doing, they will be even friendlier! Learning Thai ?Learn certain basic Thai phrases. Now! Your colleagues may well speak excellent English, but once you are out in the markets, you will need to speak some Thai.Plus, it’s fun. Develop a specific working vocabulary in Thai. Figure out what phrases you will need on a daily basis and ask a Thai friend to drill you on the pronunciation and tones until they are second nature. This vocabulary should include greetings, directions, numbers, and foods, among other things. ?Yes, clear pronunciation and tones are important. But they can be overemphasized. Speak with conviction. If you speak tentatively, your phrases will tend to go up at the end, like the inflection we use in English, which will confuse your Thai listener.Speak with your limited vocabulary with an air of confidence and the receiver will have a far better chance of understanding you. They will think that you know more than you actually do, but that’s O. K. You can learn to accept their over-the-top compliments gracefully. Also, your Thai need not be perfect to be understood. We have much to learn from the Thais as â€Å"reviewers† of our mispronunciations and tonal goof-ups, patience we could use in similar interactions at home. The Thais go way past half-way to try to figure out what you are trying to communicate.The fact that you are trying to speak their language is also a clear indication of your cross-cultural sincerity. Thais will often be impressed with your progress because they spend years studying English in scho ol without a great deal of success. Acting things out helps, too. This also works on the cultural level of â€Å"sanuk†Ã¢â‚¬â€you are having fun (and the joke is sort of on you) trying to communicate a specific idea. And when you succeed, it is a cause for joint celebration! Learn these phrases right now:? Kaw bia song kuat (Please bring me two beers) Kaw cowpot moo jon nung (Please bring me a plate of fried rice with pork)? Kaw cowneo maamuang song jon (Please bring me two plates of mango with sticky rice) Some basic food to order: guy young (friend chicken) cowpat moo (fried rice with pork) tom ka guy (coconut soup with chicken) pat thai guy (fried noodles with bean sprouts and chicken) kwitdeo sen yai nua sot (beef noodle soup) kow naa bed (duck with sauce over rice) ky jiow (Thai-style omelet) kao moo dang (pork with red sauce over rice) dom young gung (spicy shrimp soup). PORNTIP COMMENTS: One way to learn the Thai language could be through food as Thai people love to o ffer food. When observing that their foreign guests enjoy it, the Thais could feel even more comfortable to talk with them†¦ and naturally, urge the foreigners to have more food! ?Thais also enjoy listening to foreigners speaking Thai†¦. even just a few words because they think the Thai language is very difficult so they feel really impressed. Don't feel embarrassed if you make mistakes and your Thai friends start laughing. They know the challenges you have to face with the tones.Their laughs simply mean your pronunciation is ‘narak' (cute). Thai people have patience to listen and try to understand Americans when speaking Thai. American Fulbrighters being in Thailand will be more aware how difficult it is for Thais when they are in the US as quite a number of Americans may not have similar patience. Engaging Thais ?If you want to get below the surface with your Thai friends, engage them on their own terms; choose topics where they can teach you about aspects of Thai culture. Pursue whatever aspects of Thai culture, religion, history (spirit houses?The Sukhothai period? Some aspects of Buddhism like meditation? ). The point is that you will be in their cultural ballpark. They will appreciate your genuine interest, and this will give you an entree into the Thais’ enormous cultural generosity. They will help you meet interesting people, plan field trips, and so on. Just give them the chance. On one of my Fulbright assignments, I was teaching in Nakorn Prathom. I mentioned to a teacher that I would like to visit Praviharn—the controversial Cambodian wat located on the Thai-Cambodian border—on my last weekend with them.My Thai friend had never been there before, either. Despite the initial negative reactions from some of the other faculty (It’s too far—the trip will take too long; it’s too hot. . . ), she organized what was a memorable venture to the famous temple. It was a wonderful culminating event for m y time with my Thai colleagues—many of whom wound up going and enjoying the trip despite their initial protestations. PORNTIP COMMENTS: ?Thai people are really hospitable so they could go out of their way to please you. Ask to see their reaction first and wait to see their next move.If they are quiet, it could mean they can't accommodate your request. Inconsistencies in Thai Culture ?When you are operating in someone else’s culture, inconsistencies seem to abound. This is partly due to the fact that in our own culture, we are too close to things to see what â€Å"don’t make sense,† and our initial observations are relatively superficial in Thailand (you know the most during your first two weeks here; then it starts getting much more complicated), and that, at least in my view, there ARE things that don’t seem consistent here. But of course, that is true in all cultures. Take Thai Massage ?Thai culture in general steers around confrontations; in the ir view the key in human relations is harmony. The focus is on working things out without anger and keeping a cool heart† (Jai Yen) in all social situations. Thais are raised to make others feel welcome, relaxed, and â€Å"sanuk† (happy). In the West, of course, our fundamental goal is to make OURSELVES satisfied. Simply put, we are more individually oriented, the Thais more communally oriented. So you might think that when it came to massage, the Thais would offer massage that is soothing, relaxing, comforting. Ha!Thai massage aggressively confronts the muscles that are stiff or bunched up with elbows and knuckles and knees—boring in on them until they give up their tightness and relax. Sometimes it hurts. O. K. , often it hurts. Where is all this Thai non-confrontation, avoidance of pain and making the other guy feel good? It goes out the window, as far as I can tell. This feels more like American no pain-no gain to me. Of course, it works. But along the way, t he attacks on muscle bundles and the stretches are not all that sanuk (fun, in this context). Of course, the pain is meted out with typical Thai humor and grace. Jep Mai? † (they ask with a chortle). â€Å"Jep Maack† (It hurts a lot) I respond, to more chortles. Yes, no pain no gain. ?The Case of Luang Paw Koon? In general, Thai Buddhist monks live a highly disciplined life. They must live by a total of 224 precepts, which provide strict behavioral rules. Like religious groups in all cultures, a few stray in terms of relationships with women and other sins and are tossed out of their temples. But for the most part scandals are rare and monks are respected for their discipline, dignity and wisdom.? Luang Paw Koon is one of the most popular monks in the country.You often see his picture in the northeast part of Thailand, and frequently in the taxis in Bangkok, many of whose drivers are from the northeast. ?What the pictures show is a smiling monk deliberately flaunting Bu ddhist conventions, puffing on a cheroot or overtly handling money. He is seated in a squatting position like a northeastern farmer, not cross-legged like a monk. He speaks in the common language of farmers, not in â€Å"proper† Thai.? Why is he so popular? Some Thais respect his rebellion, while still demonstrating the key Buddhist tenets of poverty, integrity, honesty and generosity.Funds given to him are known to go directly to the projects they are given for, most often schools and hospitals. No middlemen. No corruption. I think that is the message of the picture with Luang Paw Koon handling money—â€Å"Your donations are safe with me. I will get your donations to their proper destinations. † Consistency with the principals of a monk’s life? Yes and no. Unconventional? Absolutely. Effective in terms of charity work? This certainly seems to be the case. And a great case for bending the social rules to serve a higher cause. Maybe we all love rebels.PORN TIP COMMENTS:? Treat the inconsistencies as surprises and enjoy the learning experiences! Short Takes– ? Watch Thai TV Watch the soap operas, the variety shows, the shows on the monarchy. Ask lots of questions. Before you criticize, think about The Bachelor and Fox News and Two and a Half Men and other stellar representations of our own culture. Thai soap operas present cultural melodramas where actors confront each other and act in ways one would never see in polite Thai society with its emphasis on decorum and harmony. Is it just entertainment?Cultural wish fulfillment? Ask your friends. ?In general, when things don’t seem to make sense, ask. Find good friends who are absolutely â€Å"culturally-insult proof,† who know that your questions may be clumsy and politically incorrect but that your intentions—to understand things a bit better—are pure. These are the people to ask potentially sensitive questions about the â€Å"Red Shirts† and the â€Å"Yellow Shirts†, and about the monarchy. PORNTIP COMMENTS: ?Soap operas could better your Thai while helping you understand that many times, they don't reflect the ‘real' Thai culture.It could be misleading if viewers take it literally to think that Thai women always go after guys, love screaming and yelling plus slapping others' faces. The way they dress to work is far from being professional either†¦.. as if they went to an evening party even. It may be good to understand that the Thais value ‘riab roi' and being very proper (far too formal at times). Perhaps Thai soap is something Thais quietly think the society could loosen up a bit. Be discreet when discussing or asking questions about Monarchy as there are lese majeste charges which could be complicated for you to understand fully.The conflicts that seem to separate ‘yellow shirts' and ‘red shirts' are not easy to understand either. The suggestion to find a ‘culturally-insult pro of' friend sounds great to get to know more about the monarchy and political conflicts. Small Bits of Advice? Take a zillion showers and guzzle water by the gallon. Keep your body temperature down and your internal system happy. When you feel culture shock coming on, retreat. Take some down time. Listen to your iPod. Watch a favorite movie (it is undoubtedly pirated here). No one should try to tackle a foreign culture 24/7.You will burn out. It’s hot here. And humid. Incredibly humid. And you are constantly on stage. I can’t do one more impromptu speech, explaining who I am and why I am here. It can be exhausting. O. K. , it will be exhausting. Every moment you spend working on your Thai is a move in the right direction culturally. Even the process of learning Thai with your Thai friends has all kinds of cultural learning possibilities.? Take notes of your observations—not for Facebook or to Tweet about so much as for your own record of cultural discovery.Youâ €™ll be able to see how far you have come by the end of your Thai adventure.? Remember that part of your job as a Fulbrighter is to play the role of cultural ambassador, representing your country with integrity here and portraying Thailand with fairness and accuracy to your friends back home. ?Learn to bargain. Again, it’s not so much about the result, which is pretty much predetermined, as it is about your participation in the process, and HOW you participate (with a smile and acting out things—â€Å"Oh, man, you’re killing me here! †). Be a good sport Accept the Thais’ overwhelming generosity.They are happy to have you here. We are conditioned to be suspicious of others’ generosity, and it’s a tough assumption to get over.? Sometimes conversations are just exercises in enjoyable social banter, without a â€Å"punch line. † You talk about the weather, family, where you are going. . . just for the sake of the pleasant conve rsation. In our culture, we are used to seeking the â€Å"point. † ? Develop a short introduction in Thai that explains who you are and why you are here in Thailand. Saying that you are an â€Å"achjan† (a teacher/professor) explains a lot.This will be very helpful, so that people know who you are, how long you will be here, and so on. It puts everyone at ease. ?Never divide up the bill at the restaurant. The most senior person will â€Å"liang. † It’s the Thai cultural law. Hierarchies define the nature of power in relationships in Thailand; royalty over commoners, men over women (women cannot be ordained as monks in Thailand), and age over youth. By the way, the best way to reciprocate in terms of food is to buy candy or fruit to share with your Thai colleagues on your trips together. This is perfectly acceptable, and appreciated.Never assume that your English is being understood by your students. Slow down. Ask them lots of questions. Be patient; Thai students are used to lecture-style classrooms. Tell stories. Keep them with you (on topic). Try to relate your topics to Thailand, Thai applications of things, even if it is a stretch. Joke around a bit. Show that you can â€Å"take† a joke—tell one on yourself. Lighten up and the Thais will appreciate it and your communication will be far better. Over-serious classrooms are over-rated. Always share what you are eating. (That can’t be over-emphasized. Wherever you are living, establish your own little village; people you see and fuss over every day, like the noodle folks, the flower lady, the 7-11 folks, and your favorite night market vendors. The substance of the conversation is not the issue, it’s the attention. Simply remarking on the sweetness of the oranges (waan maach! ) or commenting on the heat (always safe) is fine. With just a bit of friendly banter it becomes â€Å"your neighborhood,† a little like Norm walking into â€Å"Cheers. † I have found these simple, smiling conversations are a source of â€Å"friendly energy† I can enjoy every day.Banter begets banter which makes you feel more at home. Get in shape! Many Thai temples are located on the top of hills. And just maintaining your energy levels in this heat takes some oomph. You don’t have to be a Buddhist to appreciate and learn from various aspects of this religion. Remember, the Buddha said that you should only apply the aspects of Buddhism to your life until after you have experimented with them and they seem to make sense to you personally. There is no pressure to believe in an overarching philosophy; just a big, broad display of spiritual and practical ideas to experiment with and learn from.Sort of like the experience of living in Thailand itself. PORNTIP COMMENTS:? Even though the more senior Thais will buy you meals almost every time, you may wish to offer to do it in return once in a while. It might not work but that generous offer will be appreciated. Buying some kanoms or some little gifts to give to the more senior and friends would be a nice gesture to show your thoughtfulness. Thai students love learning by listening so storytelling is the good way to attract their attention and it's fun while keeping them focused and remember what they've heard.It could be difficult to have some deep discussions with quite a number of Thais but don't lose hope. Sometimes, it's just because of the language. Other times it could be because Thai people aren't used to expressing their ideas extensively unless they feel very close to the persons. Having discussions with Thais regularly will also help Thais think and interact faster too. Enjoy learning about Buddhism in a practical way†¦.. by understanding ‘the middle path’, it helps you ponder upon ways to balance your life. Learning how to meditate would simply lead you to have some peaceful moments.

Monday, January 6, 2020

Meaning of Edgar Allan Poes The Raven Essay - 1297 Words

Edgar Allan Poes The Raven employs a raven itself as a symbol of the torture, mainly the self-inflicted torture, of the narrator over his lost love, Lenore. The raven, it can be argued, is possibly a figment of the imagination of the narrator, obviously distraught over the death of Lenore. The narrator claims in the first stanza that he is weak and weary (731). He is almost napping as he hears the rapping at the door, which could quite possibly make the sound something he heard in a near dream-like state, not an actual sound. He is terrified of being alone in the chamber he is in when the poem takes place. The sad, uncertain rustling of each purple curtain thrilled me-filled me with fantastic terrors never felt before†¦show more content†¦The raven also symbolizes the torture the narrator has inflicted upon himself due to the death of Lenore, a rare and radiant maiden?nameless here forever more (731). The ravens refusal to answer any question asked of him with an answer other than nevermore only tortures the narrator even more. The narrator is as much saddened by the arrival of the raven, as he is disturbed. He says, on the morrow he will leave me, as my hopes have flown before (732). He is still recovering from the sadness of the loss of Lenore and in this raven he may find comfort for a while, but the raven will only be gone in the morning, just like everything else. The narrator can anticipate the answers of the raven, knowing that the only word it speaks is nevermore, and tortures himself even more by asking certain questions to which the answer nevermore would devastate him. He asks if there is balm in Gilead. He even goes so far as to ask the raven if Lenore is in Paradise-within the distant Aidenn, it shall clasp a sainted maiden whom the angels name Lenore- (733). The answer nevermore sends the narrator into a rage. He calls the raven a prophet, but cannot place if it is a prophet of evil or of good. The narrator mentions that the raven lands on a bust of Pallas-Pallas Athena-who, according to Roman and Greek myth, was the goddess of wisdom. The narrator can consider that a Freudian slip of sorts; that the raven speaks the truth because itShow MoreRelatedEdgar Allan Poe s The Raven788 Words   |  4 Pages Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most successful writers of all time. Twelve of Poe’s works are known for their literary construction. The Raven by Edgar Allan Poe is one of the most famous poems in history and was first published in 1845. This is a poem that many readers may describe as dark, twisted, and even scary can be oddly moving and eye catching. What were the meanings in his masterpiece, and what did Poe want his readers to understand? 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