Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Dematologic Disease or Condition Report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Dematologic Disease or Condition Report - Essay Example It is irregular in shape, and lacks raised wheals or pustular abscesses. No ecchymoses, petechiae, any other sign of epidermal or subdermal injury or damage are present near the hyperpigmented area (Calonje, 2009). There are several acneform papular lesions near the center of the patch (Rivers & Wiseman, 2010). No evidence of ulcers of any type is seen. Testing: Patient was sent for surgical biopsy, with the incision to be made at the center of the hyperpigmented area. Biopsy results are negative for malignancy and infection. The biopsy showed smooth muscle bundles within the dermis and an excess of melanocytes in the affected area, confirming diagnosis of Beckers nevus. (Rivers & Wiseman, 2010). Treatment/Plan: Prognosis is good, as the area appears to be a benign lesion. Patient has been warned to expect hypertrichosis on the area, and referred to a laser hair removal center. Neither dermabrasion nor cryosurgery is indicated, as the pigmentation is within the dermal layers and cannot be removed in this manner. The condition is non-infectious, so treatment with antibiotics, antifungals, or parasiticides is unneccessary (Book, Glass, & Laude, 1997). Keratolytics will be similarly unhelpful at treating the pigmentation, despite sun exposure being a possible correlating factor (Tymen et al., 1981). Further treatment is not necessary except on cosmetic grounds; however, if desired by the patient, laser treatment can reduce the excess pigmentation (Rivers & Wiseman, 2010). Patient has been told to return for further examination if the lesion shows major changes, excepting mild erythema resulting from laser treatments or

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