Thursday, November 28, 2019

The door to December Review Essay Example

The door to December Review Paper Essay on The door to December Dean Koontz fascinated me from the first page. There was a time when I could not tear myself away from the books. They forced me to grow cold with horror, not allowed to sleep at night because I often could not go into the arms of Morpheus, not having read another horror story of this American. And the beginning of our relationship with the book doors in December ». familiarity with the works of Dean Koontz, and specifically with this work I owe my classmate, however, she did not even suspect. Once at a seminar on editing fiction prepodsha asked what book now reads every one of us. It was then that I first heard the unfamiliar name Dean Koontz On the same evening, immediately after school went to the bookstore.. Glozhit curiosity: How could I, a bookworm with the experience and the first time I heard about this author ?! Complete chaos! . On a shelf, as if by order of creation stood Dean Koontz doors in December. I grabbed the book and rushed to cash in anticipation of the pleasure of reading. And I was not disappointed! However, it was quite a long time and now it is difficult to remember what kind of emotions overwhelmed me when I closed the last page. But one thing I will never forget as I was sorry for the poor little Melanie, over which so humiliated The book is just wonderful. Impossible to put down! We will write a custom essay sample on The door to December Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The door to December Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The door to December Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer After that, Dean Koontz for a long time has become one of my favorite authors. I like crazy, I started buying his books, which were many. Since then, several years have passed. My attitude to the work of this author is not changed. I continue to read his book, which I very, very much. Although not consecutive, and alternating with other favorite writers, which in my list a lot.

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