Saturday, March 30, 2019

Effect of Changing Concentration on the Order of Reaction

cause of Changing denseness on the Order of ReactionTitle An probe into the Effect of Changing the preoccupation by Continuous Method on the Order of ReactionPlanningA. HypothesesI predict that the tread of response is influenced by the density of the reactants and that the pace of answer and the ducking of reactants drop-off as magazine breakups increase. I predict that the order of reception is affected or influenced by the parsimony of the reactant. I similarly predict that the vary in immersion of reactants affects the charge per unit of response proportionately and hence, the order of reaction. Such that, if the stringency of the reactants is reduced by half, the rate of reaction allow for also decrease by a certain proportion.The reaction that volition be analyze in this experiment is between a metal ( milligram ribbon) and an dot (sulfuric superman). The reaction is shown by the chemical equation belowMg (s) + H2S04 (aq) MgS04 (aq) + H2 (g)In this expe riment, 0.15 grams of atomic number 12 ribbon lead be use in excess, together with 10 cubic centimeters of 0.3 M sulphuric window pane (H2SO4). The continuous method leave alone be used, where the metal is in excess and the reaction goes to completion. The mickle of the atomic number 1 flatulence (H2) will be collected at a metric time interval of 30 seconds. These volume readings at the time intervals shall be recorded and analyzed.III. BackgroundThe rate of a reaction depends in portion on the concentrations of the reactants. The rate at which a reactant or reactants is transformed into products is the change in concentration of the reactant or reactants with time, (Wilbraham,, 1997). Mathematically, the rate lavatory be explicit asRate = Change in ducking of Reactants / Change in timeThe edict implies that the rate of disappearance of the reactants is proportionate to its molar concentration. and soChange in Concentration of Reactants / Change in time = pro portional to the concentration of reactantsThe reaction rate has to be experimentally determined. From the reaction rate equation, the order of reaction can be obtained. The order of reactions can be classified as zero order, commencement order, or second order, with repute to only one reactant.IV. Risk AssessmentIn this experiment, sulphuric acid (H2SO4), will be used as a reactant. Since it is a pissed acid and is very corrosive, I will observe the following precautionary measuresWear protective goggles for the eyes.Avoid pipetting the sulphuric acid by mouth.Avoid inhalation of sulfuric acid.Care in handling the acid should be observed. It should be prevented from being knocked over.V. Fair TestTo ensure that the results that I will obtain in the experiment are reliable and accurate, I will observe the followingThe volume measurements of the sulphuric acid reactant will be make very accurately by reading from the let down meniscus of the 10 cubic centimeter markThe bung will be securely and tightly placed to prevent the collected heat content gas (H2) from escaping.The burden measurements of the magnesium ribbon will be made very accurately. entirely materials will be thoroughly cleaned before for apiece one use in order to prevent contamination.The experiment will devote 3 pass offs or replicates in order to attain a high gear reliability of results.VI. Procedure of the ExperimentMaterials neededStopwatch for time interval measurements cytosine cc gas syringe for the Hydrogen gas array100 cc conical flask for the sulphuric acid100 ml graduated cylinder for measuring the sulphuric acid uninflected balance for measuring 0.15 grams of magnesium ribbonProcedure1. Set up the materials temporary hookup making sure that they are thoroughly clean and dry.2. development a graduated cylinder, measure 10 cc of 0.3 Molar concentration of sulphuric acid.3. Carefully weigh 0.15 grams of magnesium ribbon exploitation an analytic balance to make sure that the weight measurement is accurate.5. Put the 0.15 grams of magnesium ribbon into the conical flask with the sulphuric acid.7. Measure the volume in cubic centimeters of hydrogen gas collected in the gas syringe at all(prenominal) time interval of 30 seconds.8. Record the volume of collected hydrogen gas at each set time interval.9. Make 2 more puffs of this experiment by repeating steps 1-8 at every run.VII. Results.Below are the tabulated volume measurements at every time intervalTable 1 Volume Measurements for choke 1The data in Table 1 were plot in a interpret belowGraph 1 Volume vs. clipping ( take place1)For Run 2, the data were obtained were tabulated belowTable 2 Volume Measurements for Run 2The data in Table 2 were plotted in a graph belowGraph 2 Volume vs. meter (Run 2)For Run 3, the data were obtained were tabulated belowTable 3 Volume Measurements for Run 3The data in Table 3 were plotted in a graph belowGraph 3 Volume vs. Time (Run3)All three graphs show the tre nd that as time increases, the volume of the reactant decreases, while the volume of the product increases.B. Calculation of the Concentration of ReactantFrom the reactionMg (s) + H2SO4 (aq) MgSO4 (aq) + H2 (aq)Concentration is measured in terms of thousand, where Molarity is equal to the number of moles of solute dual-lane by liters of originMolarity = No. of moles of solute / Liters of solutionFor Magnesium (Mg), 0.15 grams were added to sulphuric acid. The number of moles is equal to weight in grams divided by the formula weight. Hence, the number of moles = wt. in grams / FW. Since 0.15 grams were used, 0.15 grams should be divided by the formula weight of Magnesium (Mg), which is 24.So 0.15 grams / 24 = 0.00625 moles for Mg.To get the molar concentration, the number of moles will be divided by the volume of the solution in liters, which is 0.01.So, the molar concentration of Mg is 0.00625 / 0.01 = 0.625 MFor the sulphuric acid (H2SO4) used, the molarity is 0.3 M. The numbe r of moles of H2SO4 used is determined by multiplying the molar concentration by the volume of solution in liters. Hence 0.3 moles/L X 0.01L = 0.003 moles.From the chemical equation of the reaction, for every 0.003 moles of H2SO4 used, the same amount of moles (0.003) of hydrogen gas (H2) is given off.The molar concentration of the hydrogen gas evolved can now be determined for each respective time interval, by dividing the number of moles by the volume obtained.For run 1The concentration of the product can now be calculated, using the formula for reaction rate, where Molarity = Number of moles / Liters of solutionThe data for the concentration of the hydrogen gas are tabulated belowTable 4 Molarity of the hydrogen gas (H2)The molarity values tabulated above are plotted in the graph belowGraph 4 Concentration vs. Time (Run1)Graph 5 Concentration vs. Time (Run 1) Showing the Gradient of the sunburn CurveThe rate of reaction was calculated by measuring the slope of the tangent of the curve above, as depicted by the red line. Hence, the slope of the tangent is equal to 0.12 0.05 / 150 = 0.00046. From the rate equation, the rate constant (k) can be obtained by the formula k = rate x H2SO4. So k = (0.00046) / 0.3 = 0.153. The rate equation isRate = k H2SO4Rate = (0.153) (0.003) = 0. 000459 or 0.0046. Hence, this value is equal to the gradient of the tangent of the graph above. This shows that the rate is straightway proportional to the concentration of the sulphuric acid (H2SO4).Table 5 Concentration of Gas Collected and Rate of Reaction (Run 1)The plotting of tabulated data above results to the graph belowGraph 6 Rate vs. Concentration (Run 1)The Rate Concentration Graph for Run 1 above shows that the concentration of hydrogen gas (H2) is directly proportional to the rate of reaction. Thus, the concentration of sulphuric acid (H2SO4) is also directly proportional to the rate of reaction, whereby, as the concentration decreases, the rate of reaction also decreas es.Since the Magnesium ribbon is in excess, only the sulfuric acid can be allowed to change. Having it in excess is to make sure that its concentration does not change.Using the rate of reactionRate = k H2SO4And applying the rate equation to the chemical equation in the reactionMg (s) + H2SO4 (aq) MgSO4 (aq) + H2 (g)The rate equation is now Rate = k Mg H2SO4.Since Mg concentration does not change in the reaction, it is the zero order. On the other hand, since H2SO4 is in the first order of reaction, the rate is directly proportional to its concentration, as measured in the experiment by the concentration of the H2 gas collected, the overall order of reaction is 0+1 = 1.For Run 2, the table below shows its concentration.Table 6 Molarity of the Hydrogen gas (Run2)The table of Concentration and Time for run 2 gives the following graphGraph7 Concentration vs. Time (Run 2)The Concentration Time Graph for run 2 above shows the same trend as in run 1, where it shows an inverse proportion ality as time increases, the concentration of the sulfuric acid ( H2SO4) decreases as measured by the concentration of the hydrogen gas (H2) collected. The rate of re

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