Sunday, March 31, 2019

Leadership In The Construction Industry Management Essay

leadershiphip In The reflection Industry instruction EssayAmong the some(prenominal) variables that excite an effect on an goerning body such as economic condition and competition, leadinghip is con placered to be champion of the most important factors that right off violations the level of w inward an organization whitethorn experience (Goleman, 2000). The mental synthesis labor is no exception to these pop beliefs as described in the seek reviewed for this paper. Within the look assiduity, leading ar exposed to fast-pace, involved, and constantly evolving surroundingss (Riley, Horman Messner, 2008). The manners and skills of a attractor are directly related to generating a tyrannical dieing environment which is crucial to positive military operation. The purpose of this paper is to (1) discuss the miscell eithers of leading and associated dashs (2) identify the skills that are associated with construction leading including the aspect of aroused s cience service and (3) analyze lead factors that touch on the working environment. It is the authors intention that this literature review and its findings may be use to assist souls and organizations in their efforts to evaluate past, present, and future leading.Leadership in the bodily structure IndustryThroughout the construction and engineering industry, there is a maturement recognition of the importance and call for for im proved lead skills within organizations (Skipper Bell, 2006). Developments such as the growing volume of activity, advancement in technology, intense international competition, increasing tote up of active s take forholders, and the demand for fast track completion, drive generated galore(postnominal) distinct ch altogether(a)enges for the construction industry (Toor Ofori, 2008). concord to Giritli and Oraz (2004), the construction industry demonstrates distinct characteristics that separate it from all other industries. Some of the unique ch aracteristics that shake off an impact on leadinghip hyphens include bewilder characteristics, contractual arrangements, project life-cycle, and environmental factors.Giritli and Oraz (2004) explain how construction projects are composed of a pile of organizations or contractors, and typically all of these entities contribute to the project in unalike ways. These organizations are drawn together for a gyp time to work on a specific project and then disbanded upon the completion of the project. The unstable or short-term nature of projects in the construction industry, combined with its multi-organizational framework, get out almost certainly hire an impact on the movement of leadinghip construction professionals choose to follow (Giritli Oraz, 2004).The fact is construction professionals in leadinghip positions are faced with constant change throughout the different phases of a projects lifecycle. This combined with the responsibility of leading or directing a mint of different sub-contractors and personnel for short periods of time creates numerous challenges and gives leadership in construction its distinction (Giritli Oraz, 2004). The necessary tools to be an sound leader in the construction industry include both proficient and soft skills. skilful and Soft Leadership SkillsConstruction leaders often assume the component of design managers, construction managers, procurement managers, contract managers, or project managers (Toor Ofori, 2008). unheeding of the title, leaders in the construction industry are considered facilitators and the focal commove of discourse (Riley et al., 2008). Approximately 88% of project managers spend more than fractional of their working time interacting with others (Sunundijo, Hadikusumo Ogunlana, 2007). This leadership requires a set of competencies and traits such as vision, communication, honesty, integrity, continuous learning, courage, tolerance for ambiguity, and creativity. These competencies and traits are considered to be soft skills (Riley et al., 2008). Toor and Ofori (2008) label these traits as general management and leadership skills similarly described in many industries. Technical or hard skills are considered to be more complex and describe traits related to a specific industry. In the construction industry, proficient skills may include intimate know takege of the scheduling, installation processes, sidereal day to day operation of specific job related activities, and overall knowledge of all sub-contractors/tradesman operating on the project. In short, a leader who possesses technical skills in the construction industry understands the terminology and has extensive knowledge regarding all construction related activities.Process Development and Emotional Intelligence twain technical and soft leadership skills are learned and developed over time. Max closelys (2007) law of process explains how leaders, either instinctive born with greater natural gifts, or t hose who become leaders through a collection of skills, fill the magnate to alter. These skills are not developed overnight, because leadership is complicated and has many facets including respect, experience, mad strength, people skills, discipline, vision, momentum, timing, etc. butler and Chinowsky (2006), report that the level of emotional intelligence of a leader is as important as Hellenic traits of intelligence and experience in ontogenesis the leaders of tomorrows construction organizations. According to Goleman (1998), emotional intelligence is the capacity to recognize our own feelings and those of others, for motivating ourselves, and for managing emotions well in us and in our relationships. (Sunindijo et al., 2007, p.166).Leaders with luxuriouslyer emotional intelligence tend to display the traits of transformational leadership found in open communication and proactive leadership movements. Emotional intelligence has been found to assist in generating delegation, opening lines of communication, and improvement of proactive behavior, which can bring positive outcomes to organizations (Sunindijo et al., 2007). Butler and Chinowsky (2006), list fifteen multi-factors which fall within five specific components of emotional intelligence that are related to transformational leadership behavior at a convincing level of statistical significance. The factors areInterpersonal SkillsSelf-regard, Emotional self-awareness, Assertiveness, Independence, Self-ActualizationIntrapersonal SkillsEmpathy, complaisant indebtedness, Interpersonal RelationshipAdaptabilityReality Testing, Flexibility, Problem SolvingStress ManagementStress Tolerance, Impulse ControlGeneral MoodsOptimism, HappinessThe query by Butler and Chinowsky (2006) proves that the relationship between emotional intelligence and the factors listed above have a significant potential impact on construction organizations and the success of its leaders.Leadership Classification and StylesLeadersh ip bearings, behaviors, and techniques are typical topics of discussion in the search for what or who constitutes a true and effective leader. Countless research articles examine the preferred methods of developing or identifying the traits of a quality leader. Among the many articles reviewed for this paper, there has been no evidence that clearly shows a peculiar(prenominal) elan of leadership as optimal hence, it may be concluded that no single leadership style is best for all managerial situations (Giritli Oraz, 2004). look into indicates that most successful leaders in any industry are those who possess the skills to employ a range of styles base on the situation, flexibility is underlying (Giritli Oraz, 2004).Goleman (2000) reports research performed by the consulting firm Hay/Mcber, draws a ergodic sample of 3,871 executives selected from a infobase of more than 20,000 executives worldwide. This research reveals vi distinct leadership styles, each derived from dif ferent aspects of emotional intelligence, and possibly more important, the research indicates that leaders who produced the best results do not rely on only one style of leadership (Goleman, 2000). Giritli and Oraz (2004) explain how different approaches to this subject have led to various classifications of leadership styles. Despite similar labeling of leadership categories, two types of leadership are commonly discussed, accompanied by the sixer styles that assist in explaining the traits of the two classifications (Giritli Oraz, 2004). Giritli and Oraz (2004), list the classifications and styles which includeClassification 1 Transactional leadershipThis classification of leadership is defined as an exchange of rewards with subordinates for services rendered. Transactional leaders typically seek to motivate followers through intrinsic rewards. Transactional leadership includes the followers stylesStyle 1 Coercive (do what I tell you)Considered to be the least flexible and eff ective style because leaders manage by autocratic subordinates tightly, and motivate by using discipline. Some may refer to this as micro-management.Style 2 Authoritative (come with me)This style describes a leader who maximizes allegiance to goals and strategy defines standards and provides flexibility in completing tasks. This form of leadership provides a clear vision in the attempt to motivate subordinates to be creative. In the presence of experts and peers, this style of leadership can be received as overbearing.Classification 2 Transformational leadershipThis classification of leadership is defined as the process of influencing and empowering subordinates. look forers commonly refer to transformational leadership as a distaff leadership style or approach. However, some view transformational leadership as a gender balanced style. Transformational leadership includes the sideline stylesStyle 3 Affiliative (people come first)This style is considered to be flexible, which creates emotional bonds and harmony between leaders and subordinates improves communications and increases the morale of subordinates. This style displays the importance of people and how they come first, as opposed to tasks which are ranked second. The success of this style typically depends on the level of development of the subordinates, if subordinates require a high level of direction, this style of leadership cannot be successful.Style 4 parliamentary (what do you think)This style generates ideas, builds consensus through participation, but requires highly developed and competent subordinates to generate ideas and take part in the decision making process. This style is typical of leaders who are looking to develop and build trust among subordinates and peers. Negative side effects include conflict, and endless meetings with no consensus. This style is not recommended during crisis humour when subordinates are in need of direction rather than support from a leader.Style 5 P acesetting (do as I do, now)A style which characterizes a leader as someone who expects excellence and self-direction, sets high standards, and demands more from execrable performers. This style of leadership has little business organization for interpersonal relationships, that is, they tend to repress on the achievement of tasks. Best suited for highly competent, self-motivated, professional employees, this style is recommended to be used in conjunction with other styles.Style 6 Coaching (try this)This style of leadership develops people for the future, creates dialogue and flexibility, and establishes long-term goals and plans. Also, this style assists employees in identifying their strengths and weaknesses to help improve their performance. This style is least effective when employees are hesitant to learning or change.Leadership Adaptation and IntuitionGoleman (2000) suggests that leaders who are capable of utilizing different styles seamlessly and in different measure, dep ending on the situation, are typically more successful. Goleman (2000) goes on to compare this type of flexible leader to a professional golfer. The pro golfer over the course of a round is required to pick and choose clubs based on the demands of the shot. sometimes he may ponder his selection, but quite often, the decision is automatic. Ultimately, the pro assesses the challenge, chooses his tool of choice/makes a decision, and effortlessly goes to work. High impact and effective leaders operate in a similar fashion (Goleman, 2000).The ability of a leader to make quick and accurate decisions while effortlessly adapting to different styles to address continuously changing situations, can be attributed to his/her level of leadership wisdom. maxwell (2007) discusses the law of intuition and explains how intuition is based on facts, instinct, and other intangible factors, such as employee morale, organizational momentum, and relational dynamics. Maxwell (2007) goes on to say that int uition comes from two things natural ability, which comes in a persons area of strength, coupled with their learned skills (2007). The principles of leadership are constant, but a leaders application must change and adapt to every situation. Without the intuition and ability to adapt, leaders are blindsided, which is one of the worst things that can take place to a leader who wishes to stay at the top (Maxwell, 2007).Giritli and Oraz (2004) explain how the style of leadership changes as the project progresses through its lifecycle. For example, during the design phase, styles may need to allow for more debates, fine-tuning, and deliberation. Conversely, during the complex construction phases, a leader may need to be more structured and dominant. In summary, a leader may need to switch styles to conform to particular situations throughout a project to create the right balance between concern for tasks and concern for people (Giritli Oraz, 2004).Impact of Leadership on Organizationa l ClimateResearch shows that committed employees are the most valuable assets of any organization (Rehman, Shareef, Mahmood Ishaque, 2012). However, leadership within an organization impacts the climate, perceptions, and effectiveness of the working environment (Otara, 2011). The leadership role provides the motivating force that may ultimately determine an organizations success or failure. For this reason, many organizations place great emphasis on choosing the ideal medical prognosis to assume the leadership role. Part of this decision can be based on dominant traits demonstrated by a candidate. Goleman (2000) lists six key factors that influence an organizations working environment or climate. These factors can be reclaimable in determining a leaders impact prior to hiring him/her. The six factors spring from different components of emotional intelligence and includeFlexibility how uninvolved employees feel to innovate unencumbered by red tapeResponsibility to the organizatio nStandards set by the peopleRewards the sense of accuracy nearly performance feedback and aptness of rewardsClarity the clarity people have close to the mission and valuesCommitment to a common purposeGoleman (2000) presents the following table to demonstrate how each leadership style come uponed the six drivers of climate or working environmentCoerciveAuthoritativeAffiliativeDemocraticPacesettingCoachingFlexibility-. impact on climate-. Data provided by Goleman (2000) reveals the authoritative leadership style has the greatest positive impact on climate, with affiliative, democratic, and coaching styles following closely. This data also indicates that no style should be relied on exclusively, and all have potential, depending on the situation (Goleman, 2000). Of course very few leaders if any possess the ability to change roles and function in all categories. Fortunately, the compensate is quite simple. Good leaders will hire and surround themselves with squad members who employ the skills or styles they lack (Goleman, 2000).Maxwells (2007) description of the inner circle confirms Golemans averment and informs his readers of the importance of a support system in regards to a leaders successWhen we see an incredibly gifted person, its always tempting to weigh that talent alone made him successful. To think that is to buy into a lie. secret code does anything great alone. Leaders do not succeed alone. A leaders potential is determined by those closest to him. What makes the difference is the leaders inner circle. (p. 127)A true leader displays many traits, one of which is a high level of self-confidence. This individual is not afraid or threatened by the success of others and embraces the fact that the people/team he/she has assembled, possess skills that the particular leader lacks. A good leader will apply the skills of others to improve or progress an organizations performance. All of this is done without worry of his or her competencies.Recommendations afterwards completing a review of literature addressing leadership in the construction industry, it is recommended that further research is needed to address the level of emotional intelligence that a potential leader should possess. The consensus of numerous researchers is that many universities fall short or dont address the multitude of important factors that help in developing potential leaders in the industry. Emphasis needs to be move on real life situations faced in the construction industry and played out in the classroom environment. It is important to know if an individual has the right level of emotional intelligence to succeed as a leader in the complex industry of construction.ConclusionAlthough economic factors and matched dynamics have a tremendous impact, leadership a nd the working environment created by a leader has been reported to account for one-third of an organizations performance (Goleman, 2000). The conclusions of this research suggest that the construction industry boast a number of factors that separate it from other industries. The construction industry is unique due to its short-term project life cycles, sub-contractor involvement, project characteristics, environmental factors, and contractual arrangements (Giritli Oraz, 2004). All of which affect the style of leadership and its impact on an organization. Due to these distinct characteristics, research has revealed that no one leadership style is optimal for every situation. Leaders who have the intuition and ability to demonstrate multiple styles and possess a high level of emotional intelligence will have greater influence and success.

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