Thursday, March 28, 2019

Harold and Maude an analysis Essay -- essays research papers

We are born into this world with the realization that life is grueling and that life is like a box of chocolates and it is hard to take it at face value. The majority of our time is spent trying to answer an fadeless stream of questions only(prenominal) to find the answers to be a complex road of even more questions. This film tells the story of Harold, a twenty division old lost in life and haunted by answerless questions. Harold is stupid with death until he meets a good role model in Maude, an eighty year old woman that is obsessed with life and its avails. However, Maude does non answer all of Harolds questions but she leads him to realize that there is a light at the end of everyones tunnel if you pursue it to concluding extremes by being whatever you want to be. Nevertheless, they are a passing unlikely match but they obviously help each otherwise in many ways in the film.Maude introduces Harold to the circle of life and liberates him from the self-imposed prison and loveless life he has endured since he was born. Harold was born an only child who was raised by a single mom. His mom seeks fancy of all aspects of his life and she shows virtually no affection to him at all. She wants him to assure in with society and abide by the common norms in society. She gives him no chance to think for himself as she speaks for him all the time (filling out the geological dating form, talking for him when his dates came to visit him). She serves as a static nuisance to actuate Harold of his past more than anything els...

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